Staying Balanced in the Midst of Storms

Wow, we made it through Elections Week! Are you all breathing?

Ahhh, here we are November 8th, 2020. What a wild ride of a year! I'd love to say it's all gonna change January 1st, 2021, but alas, I think we're looking at as much change as what happened from December 31st, 1999 to January 1st, 2000. So how do we cope at a level that keeps our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirits sustained and balanced? And are you aware of just how much the outside world is effecting your internal landscape?

Let's start there...we are what we consume. We are constantly feeding ourselves with food, water, air, AND the energetics swirling around us. The first three are obvious and we all know that these sustain us, but what about the energetic? How many times did you hold your breath through this election week? How many times do you find yourself holding your breath in general, waiting for the "other shoe to drop." It's so common that we respond to the outside chaos with clench and holding patterns. Our nervous systems get into the flight or freeze mode way more than we'd like.

I've spent my adult life learning how to re-pattern my nervous system response to the outside world. Maybe you had a Mom like mine who was tightly wound which is what my nervous system entrained with all those years as a kid. Entrainment means the alignment of one's rhythms to that of the external environment. What was your environment like growing up? What's it like now? After what I thought was an unwind from my Mom's, I became a Mom, and had to learn all new levels of what I call The Great Unwind. It's an ongoing process, for sure! My husband likes to pace as he talks on the phone and I'd often find him pacing circles literally around me while I sat at the table doing computer work. It would feel like he was winding up my nervous system with each circle around. Aghhh!!! And the same with one of my boys who has a whole lot of energy! Receiving a whole lot of energy healing sessions is what has gotten me through to a place where I can separate from the outside, see it without attachment, and stay in my sovereignty.

And how do unprocessed emotions eat away at us? Cancer, cycsts, fibroids, inflammation...These are all ways the body is dealing with excess energy in the system. When we aren't moving things through each day, they build up and start to take on a life of their own. And worst case scenario, take over. Many of us are dealing with excess estrogens from the environment, called xenoestrogens, which if not supported for proper detox everyday, they re-circulate in the body causing all sorts of issues like endometriosis, polyps, heavy menstrual bleeding, sluggish liver, poor assimilation of nutrients, etc.

How do you know if you have unprocessed emotions? Well, unless you are well trained in dealing with emotional triggers, most people are stagnant in this way. Are you able to fully express to your partner in a non-violent way your needs or what is upsetting you? Or to your boss or children? Are you being honest in your relationship about your sexual needs, or even honest with yourself? Are you a chronic breath holder? Are these are signs there are patterns of stored emotions that need help clearing. And where you are stuck in expression could all be connected with where you got shut down at age 5 (for example).

Keeping a healthy nervous system and living a lifestyle that supports daily gentle detox are the two key components to balanced living and feeling amazing in your body.

So here I am now, in 2020, being gifted the most deep dive into truly being in my sovereignty and learning to let the waves around me flow through me, not clench within. I'm not perfect at it, but I'd say I learned alot along the way and have amazing tools which I'd love to share with you. It's all about sacred embodiment. Returning to YOU, learning to slow down enough to hear what is uniquely YOU and here to support YOU in everything you do. Being an Intuitive Guide in addition to bodyworker and coach allows me great insight into where your soul is stuck and what needs to happen to move out of looping patterns.

If this resonates with you and you'd like to figure out how to come into balance and love YOURself fully, reach out to me. I work 1:1 and offer and online course: Awaken Your Juicy Feminine Power. I'm here for you.