PT Symbol

The Attuned Healer

Develop Intuition & Enrich Your Healer’s Tool bag

The next class will be in-person

October 15th 2022 - February 11th, 2023

PT Symbol

An interactive course with mentorship journeying through Foundations of Energy, Energetic Hygiene, Developing Intuition, Reading the biofield, and a variety of healing techniques to enrich the Healer’s tool bag.

PT Symbol

Intention + Frequency = Healing

Chakra Biofield.jpeg

What You Will Learn

Foundations in Energy Anatomy - Our energy systems, chakras, meridians, coherence/resonance, alignment exercises, pendulum reading, & Specific Energy Attunements.

Energy Hygiene/Maintenance - daily routines, clearing & grounding exercises, earthing, charging water, conscious language creation, spiritual baths, working with the elements.

Developing Intuition - trusting what comes through, attuning to body’s baseline, distinguishing self vs other’s energy, presence & healing, understanding your specific style of intuition, soul readings, LOTS of practice within the container for real-time validation of YOUR intuition.

The Healer’s Tools - understanding of and how to apply:  tuning forks, akashic records/biofield, crystals, light language, hands-on healing, distance healing vs in person sessions.

This course is for the beginner to intermediate in energy metacine. You may be coming to this with a desire to deepen your own relationship with your body and intuition, or a desire to deepen your skills as practitioner in the healing arts. We recognize that each person is ultimately their own healer. As trained practitioners, we help facilitate and hold space for each person to allow for their own healing. Through this course, you will be on your own healing journey as well as develop skills to help others.

There are so many limiting beliefs running in humans, many which shut down and do not acknowledge our innate wisdom - INTUITION. This course is designed to empower & support the validation of how each individual perceives and reads energy; our unique window into the soul. You learn to to trust yourself and live from an embodied, centered place.

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We will meet in person 10-4pm on 10/15/22, 10/16/22, 11/12/22, 12/10/22, 1/14/23, and 2/11/23. Classes will be at the Sacred Living Center in Ashland, OR. Between our meet-ups, there will be recorded lessons, exercises, guided meditations, healing sessions, and partner practice sessions. The estimated committed is about 3 hours a week besides our classes.

This will be an intimate container with limited space to allow for connection, trust, and spaciousness in deepening your skills as an embodied intuitive. You will learn protocols for working on yourself and others. And there will be partnered practice sessions outside of each class. Each student will be invited to participate in 20 practice sessions with friends/family outside of the group. These sessions can be submitted for review and feedback within 2 months post class ending.

PT Symbol

Cost: $2000

Full Payment discount $1700

Payment Plan - 5 payments of $400 (monthly)


Hi, I’m Shannon Tinder.

I’m a Somatic Bodyworker, Intuitive Healing Guide, & Herbalist. I’ve been helping people for over 20 years now and am so excited to be in service teaching the many skills I’ve developed over the years.

My approach to healing is to harmonize soul, mind, emotions, & body. Through sound healing, light language, quantum healing techniques, polarity, craniosacral, and energy anatomy awareness, we learn how to get the issue out of the tissue and clear the looping patterns in one’s energy system.

I am passionate about helping each person find their inner voice and connect to their unique radiance to Awaken The Healer Within.