Welcome to Prosperity Tuning
We are so thrilled to have you be a part of this groundbreaking opportunity to open all your channels for full prosperity.
In this membership you will receive a weekly Group Biofield Tuning session, access to the private FB community, and access to Shannon via email. The weekly sessions will be at 5pm PST every Wednesday. Recordings will be sent out each week after the live call.
If you can’t make the live, be sure to listen to the recording as soon as you can that week. The sessions build on each other and it’s important to stay caught up with it. After all, you are investing in YOU. IT’S TIME TO PRIORITIZE YOUR PROSPERITY.
***Each week you will receive an email with the link for the call. Connect through this link for the live calls. Recording downloads will be sent out immediately after each call. ***
What is Expected of You?
Show up to each weekly healing session which means finding somewhere comfortable to lie down or sit for one hour. It is perfectly okay to get up for the restroom or water during the receiving. Have an open, receptive mind and body. These sessions are powerful and work. Adding your powerful, clear intention adds even more potency.
Can’t make the live? Perfectly ok, listen when it’s convenient for you. Curious how distance (quantum) healing works? Read more here.
Participate as you wish in the private FB group. This is here to support your journey and answer questions along the way. This is a great place to ask questions about your experience, detox, benefits you are receiving, etc.
COMMIT TO THE JOURNEY. Transformation isn’t always rosie; it can get ugly along the way. I highly encourage you commit to the Prosperity Tuning for three months initially. This program is designed to RAISE YOUR VOLTAGE so that you can take on life with great clarity and confidence. Through this process, we’ll be diving deep into the charge of the stories that have been holding you back from being the most SPECTACULAR YOU. Sometimes this is painful, sometimes it’s funny, and sometimes it feels like a huge relief. All in all, we are CLEARING THE DRAG FROM YOUR SYSTEM! Transformation takes time, patience, acceptance, and lots of self-love. One day you’ll notice, Wow, I just handled that situation with such ease and grace. THIS IS HEALING.
We highly encourage you to keep a journal during this time. Journal after sessions and as things come up throughout the week.
The intention of Prosperity Tuning is to remove all energetic obstacles in your way of being FULLY PROSPEROUS IN HEALTH, WEALTH AND LOVE.
After Session Care
This is extremely important to keep detox symptoms at a minimum. Salt baths or salt foot soaks (if a bath is not possible). Epsom Salt or Sea Salt is great. Getting your bare feet on the earth soon after or sitting in nature. This helps the discharge process and balances your system. Taking a walk is also a great way to integrate the work. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after. We are shifting the electro-magnetic energy around and within you.
Biofield Tuning recipients may experience a "detox response" after a session. This is completely normal and means the body is releasing stress and trauma. Generally, these symptoms pass within 1-3 days. You can know that everything is sloughing off.
The following are possible symptoms of detox:
*Fatigue, Waves of emotions – crying, being angry, sad, Loose stools, Headaches and/or dizziness, Flu-like symptoms
*In very rare instances - skin rashes, mucus, fevers, vomiting, excessive thirst
If you are having a detox response from your Biofield Tuning session - especially if it is an extreme response - I highly recommend that you contact me via email info@sacredlivingcenter.com. I will be able to support you through your detox and determine if a personal session is needed to help move it through.
May this journey bless and bliss your LIFE. PROSPEROUS BLESSINGS TO YOU, MY FRIEND.
In love and gratitude,
Shannon Tinder